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Dr Mukhtar Ahmad MB, BS MMedSci FRCS

Trustee and Chief Executive

I am a specialist bowel surgeon based in Dorset on the south coast of the United Kingdom

though I was born and raised in the Sahel region. My areas of expertise include robotic

surgery for bowel cancer and treatment of conditions such as prolapse, incontinence and

constipation. I have gained considerable management and leadership skills in my roles as

Clinical Director for Surgery (2018-2021) and Lead Clinician for Colorectal Surgery.

I am passionate about helping those less fortunate than me and was privileged to be one of

the founding trustees of the Sahel Water Empowerment Initiative. I am conscious that

scarcity of clean drinking water often plays a role in regional conflicts with the girl child

particularly at risk because of the distances she is required to walk unprotected to fetch


Water provision also complements my other charitable area of interest which is provision of

free basic medical care to disadvantaged communities. I hope to make a small contribution

to improving the standard of living in disadvantaged communities by helping to provide clean drinking water and working collaboratively with other not-for-profit organisations to uplift these communities.

Dr Mukhtar Ahmad MB, BS MMedSci FRCS
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